Thursday 10 November 2011

Alec Soth.

"Immanuel Kant said that everyone who visits Georgia will admire the beauty of Georgian women. Others have said that Georgia has the most beautiful women in the world.

So for my visit, I decided to go looking for the most beautiful woman I could find. Over the course of several weeks, I travelled the entire country.

In a small Northern village I found N., the most beautiful woman in Georgia"

Wednesday afternoon I went on a school photography trip to the HotShoe gallery where they were holding a few photographers work. I was captivated by Alec Soth's project about finding the most beautiful women in the world. I love (even though some people find disturbing) the fact that these pictures look slightly stalker-ish and not planned. These women are attractive... But not the obvious attraction that men these days would look for. There's is something about them what makes them strangely beautiful.

I'm not doing daily posts anymore - realised if I did daily posts it would just be of crap that I'm just writing because I have to write everyday. And on top of that I have plenty of school work to do. 


love your comments, gives me more amazing blogs to follow ;)